For the last year, I’ve eaten oatmeal for breakfast pretty much every day. I love it with fruit and almonds and cinnamon and a splash of milk. Yum!
But recently, I switched up my eating schedule and bam! No more breakfast, which kind of meant no more oatmeal (or at least not every day since John cooks for lunch and dinner and I am NOT missing that).
Suffice it to say that I was in need of an oatmeal fix. And what has oatmeal in it?

Say hello to peach and strawberry crumbles, a.k.a. last night’s dessert.
I mean, they’re ugly. But I did this in response to a legit craving and, as we all know, responding to a craving is done in these stages:
- Google “fruit crumble with oatmeal”
- “Yeah, I think I have all this.”
- Start making the thing.
- “Oh crap, I don’t have strawberries.”
- Procure strawberries..
And finally,
6. Crumbles
The last step is all that mattered. Get in my tummy!