My kitty boy is basically the handsomest, and he knows it.
Kemura Saisho Ototto (so named by my anime-obsessed teen) doesn’t come for pets very often. But when he does, look out, because he’s a purr box.
Like our two dogs and our other cat, Capitano, Saisho came to us via Antietam Humane Society. Good people up there. If you have room in your heart and home for an animal friend, check them out. (Or visit a shelter or humane society in your area.) Adopt don’t shop, y’all.
Currently, the rescue has about 25 horses. Most of them are draft horses like Hudson, who is no longer able to work because he lost an eye. Some of the horses are seniors and some have arthritis or other painful conditions that make them – how can I put this? – not useful for pulling plows or buggies.
I’m sure there are plenty of people who use draft horses and treat them well and then retire them to nice grassy pastures, but that’s not the story here.
Most of the horses at Black Mountain View Farm are saved from kill pens, which is as horrible as it sounds.
Imagine, you’ve spent your whole life doing your best to pull stuff for your humans, and when you just can’t take one more step, they sell you to exporters who take you to Mexico or Canada for slaughter.
Not that it matters one bit, but not all of the horses that are shipped off are older or disabled like Hudson. A lot of them are healthy, vibrant animals who just aren’t wanted anymore, for any number of reasons.
Including pregnant mares, y’all. Black Mountain View Farm has two mares who came to them pregnant. (Happy ending: the mares are no longer pregnant and there are two beautiful foals romping around at their sides.)
I really can’t say enough about this place.
The owner told me that she normally has about 50 horses on the farm, but the price of draft horses has exploded, and so she can’t afford to save as many. If you’re so inclined, please follow along on Facebook, where you can learn about the horses they’re working to save and chip in where you can.
If you have ever thought you might like to keep horses at home, many of these guys are adoptable, and rescues can always use volunteers to feed and groom horses, muck out stalls, etc.
Stay tuned for more photos of these gorgeous babies!